We offer whole class, group and one-to-one child sessions for schools and other childcare organisations.

Our Services


Whole Class Yoga Teaching

Our well-being Yoga classes are PE with a difference. We incorporate mindfulness, relaxation and even philosophy activities. Our classes meet PE and PSHCE curriculum objectives and are planned with the children’s ages and abilities in mind. We can also include topic texts, themes and focuses to meet further subject objectives.


Well-being classes

Transform your pupils' wellbeing with our holistic classes. Using storytelling, music, mindfulness games, yoga, and meditation we equip children with vital tools for stress management, social-emotional development, and lifelong resilience. These well-being sessions are tailored to the group’s needs and can address any group issues the class may be experiencing.


Immersive full or half day workshops to teach wellbeing strategies in a fun and engaging manner. Activities may include Yoga, breathing exercises, emotional literacy games, lego therapy and relaxation techniques. Children learn to regulate emotions, gaining lifelong self-care and resilience skills. They can be linked to school or class themes and are an excellent way to promote the children’s mental and physical wellbeing, whilst meeting curriculum objectives.



Our school services are all priced the same at:

Morning: £145

Afternoon: £100

Whole Day: £225